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Beef ribs with the bone hanging out on a cutting board PRIMO BEEF RIBS
Grilled Tenderloin being roasted on a ceramic smoker GRILLED BEEF TENDERLOINS ON THE PRIMO
A large prime rib on a cutting board with knives PRIME RIB ON A PRIMO GRILL
A smoked brisket on the cutting board PRIMO SMOKED BRISKET
A bunch of cheese, meat and other ingredients being made into a chile PRIMO SMOKEHOUSE CHILI WITH BEEF CHUCK
A strip steak on a cutting board PRIMO GRILLED STRIP STEAK
A bunch of meatballs being barbecued bbqmeatball7
Barbecue Meatballs being cooked on the grill bbqmeatball7_0
A piece of Filet Mignon cut in half with slices to the left PRIMO GRILLED FILET MIGNON
Filet Mignon, peppers, onions and asparagus on a large ceramic grill PRIMO GRILLED FILET MIGNON STEAKS
A large piece of pit beef in a Maryland style MARYLAND STYLE PIT BEEF
A piece of roast beef cut in half PRIMO PRIME RIB