The Primo Grill’s unique two-zone cooking capability shines when using the “reverse sear” method to grill steaks. Starting the steaks with low, indirect heat and finishing them with a sear over high direct heat allows for more even cooking and a more tender steak. For this post we are featuring an array of steaks (Delmonico, Filet Mignon, and NY Strip) from Roseda Black Angus Beef locally sourced from Captain’s Ketch Seafood in Easton Maryland. Much has been written about why the reverse sear is the best way to cook a steak- here’s how to on a Primo.

Start by setting the Primo up for two zone cooking- light each side of the grill and place a d plate over one side. Target a temperature of 225 or so. When ready place the steaks over the indirect side. Here you can see we have an array of steaks – a Delmonico, a Filet Mignon, and a NY Strip Steak all from Roseda Black Angus Beef, locally sourced at Captain’s Ketch Seafood in Easton Maryland. To prepare the steaks, coat with a touch of olive oil, kosher salt, and freshly ground black pepper. Let them rest at room temperature for a 1/2 hour or so before grilling.

After 30 minutes or so turn the steaks over once- here they are about 100 degrees internal (use your Thermapen). Allow them to cook to 115 or so and then pull them off the grill and let them rest. Open the vents and get a vigorous fire going on the direct side.

Sear both sides of the steaks for just a few minutes to your finishing preference- we would target 125 to 130 degrees.